
Saturday, April 16, 2011

They can be taught

We were driving in the car talking about what weapon would we rather have. Yes, this is a common topic among my children, mostly William. These talks go something like this. . . . So, your in a medieval battle and you have your choice of a crossbow, a bow and arrow, or a crappy gun, what would you pick? After some debate about the battle grounds I make my choice and then have to defend it. Then that turns into a discussion on accuracy, stealth, and whatever else might be involved in going to battle. A little strange to some but at least its critical thinking skills. William is now thinking of becoming a sniper when he gets older. Anyway it was a discussion like this with William when all of the sudden Brennen pipes up. "Ya, and then they dig a hole and put their swords and arrows and all weapons in there, 'cause they can't fight anymore. Their good guys." What is he talking about? Where did this come from? My mind reals back. think, think, think. . . . Was this in a movie he saw? Was it one of Scott's games? Oh!! I know where this is coming from. In primary on Sunday the chorister was teaching them the song "We'll bring the world his truth" (Armies of Helamen) she talked about the anti-nephi-lehi's and how they had made a covenant not to fight anymore and buried all their weapons so their sons fought in their place. I was amazed. My little 3yr old whom I was certain never paid attention was actually learning something in primary. He remembered it almost a week later. I was so proud. These little sponges never cease to amaze me. I guess some things do get through to them. I hope I remember times like this when I feel like I am reading them the scriptures in vain.
Alma 56:48 ". . . We do not doubt our mothers knew it."

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