My sister Kate came to visit and show off her cute new baby T.K.
We spent the day at the Aquarium of the Pacific. It was a really nice day and T.K. was a perfect angel. Kate pulled an April fools joke on us by offering Oreo cookies filled with toothpaste to us. Ellie grabbed one and just threw the whole thing in her mouth. She didn't notice anything until the 5th chew. Scott took a little bite and asked if it was the mint Oreo cookies. Brennen thought it was "yummy" He would have eaten all of them like that. William our careful eater looked it over, sniffed it, nibbled it, then almost threw it up. I knew something was a muck because Kate doesn't offer cookies. Carrots, celery, oranges, yes, but junk food NO. Oreo's definitely not. It was a good one Kate.
We love the aquarium. I'm convinced that its one of the best, once you've come here no other aquarium can compare.
Peter was so cute, as soon as we went inside he shouted FISHIES!!! and ran over to see the first tank filled with wonder. I loved how each new tank was met with the same excited response. Brennen the more reserved watched in silence as if trying to study every aspect of the aquatic lifeforms.
I'm sure the boys favorite exhibit was the water playground. We probably could have spent the whole day with the interactive water feature. All the boys got soaked. Peter most of all. I also like how interactive the whole aquarium is. It makes me want to go scuba diving and see all the colors.
My favorite animal was the pink anemone that looks like and exotic flower. It was such a nice day and good to have family around.
Boy, we've been meaning to go to the Long Beach Aquarium for some time. Can't wait. Looks awesome. Big fish give me the eebie jeebies though.