
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Loser like me

My little Brennen is very much like his sister Ellie. They look a lot alike. They are both loud eaters. Neither of them are good sleepers. They both LOVE music. Brennen tries to sing everything. Even if he doesn't know the words. When he was a little smaller, he would sing the hymns at church with much gusto using words he already knew. The song would go something like this; My dad opened the door, and I drew on a paperrrr, Oh Yah. I like my cars they are fun to play with, my dad, my dad, my daaaaadddddd. We just love it. Here he is singing with his sister the Glee song a Loser Like Me. Notice the only word he gets right is me.
You gotta give him credit for singing it with conviction

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