We had our Easter photo shoot and I am happy to report it went a lot better than last year. Everyone was much more cooperative, and just plain had fun. I think that is the key to taking pictures of kids. MAKE SURE THEY ARE HAVING FUN!!!
I decided to go with orange for the color this year. It is becoming one of my favorite colors, it's such a happy color. I couldn't find ties to go with the orange shirts so I just made some. They turned out pretty good, and now I know how to make a tie. For Ellie's dress was a strapless dress when I bought it so I had to alter it by putting on some sleeves. I think that may be what I have to do more of the older she gets. It is often hard to find dresses appropriate dresses, and you can only put a cardigan with so many dresses before you are sick of sweaters. Ellie hates to wear cardigans anyway.
I do love to get them new outfits for Easter.
I do love to get them new outfits for Easter.
I remember one Easter when I was a little girl. I saw the most beautiful dress hanging in our front closet. I asked my mom if I could have it and she said she was sorry but it was for another girl. She was just holding it for a friend so her daughter wouldn't see it.
I was bummed but life goes on, I would peak in the closet every time I walked by it to look at the beautiful dress, just to dream.
Well Easter morning came and what should my wondering eyes should behold but that beautiful dress. It was for me!! It was supposed to be a surprise. I was ecstatic.

Well Easter morning came and what should my wondering eyes should behold but that beautiful dress. It was for me!! It was supposed to be a surprise. I was ecstatic.
I can't believe how many good shots you got in. Good job.