
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dino Dig


Photo0581I took the kids to the mall to get them out of the house and I had some shopping I needed to do for Easter.  I let them play in the fountain for a little while which turned out to be a mistake.  Right next to the fountain is this store called the Dino Dig.  Basically you can dig in the sand and keep 1 thing you find, or you can crack a geode, or you can make a necklace. My kids really wanted to do this.  They had $5 of their own to spend but the activity cost $10 so I made a deal.  If they let me do my shopping I would fork over the other $5.  It seemed fair so off we went.  I get in the first store and Ellie is trying to rush me along.  “What do you need here mom?”

“A Tie for the boys Easter outfits.”

“Here’s one. Okay lets go.”

“Wait that’s not the color I need.”

“Who cares it’s a tie, lets get it and go.”

You get the picture.  Meanwhile the boys are terrorizing the store, wandering off, and then comes the whining. Oh the whining.  Why must they whine?

“Come on guys 2 more stores.”

“Ughhhh, we already went to 2 stores.”

Leaving all stores with only 1 purchase, I cave and let them go to the Dino Dig. Which they thoroughly enjoyed.  They were happy with their spoils and I was left wanting my sisters and mom for a fun shopping buddy.  Its just not enjoyable when you always have to go by yourself (almost never happens for me) or with your kids who just dread it


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