
Sunday, April 24, 2011

egg hunt

We had our annual backyard egg hunt with a little twist this year.

Every year I get the kids some kind of present for Easter. This year

I had a scavenger hunt planned for them. It started out with a little rhyme that warned them they needed to know about the real meaning of Easter to find the clues.

The first clue was that Christ was crucified on this made out of what? answer cross made out of wood. So the next clue was in the woodpile.

Clue number two said that the Romans put one of used one of these to seal the tomb. answer. . . You got it rock so they had to find a big rock outside to find clue number three. Clue 3 said after three days the Christ's tomb was empty except for this. .. . Answer linens. Yep the linen closet was next. After that they learned that while Christ was gone he went to the Spirit World to set up missionary work. What is the main thing the missionaries use? Scriptures. So it was back downstairs to the bookshelf where we keep our scriptures. The last clue was that The atonement and resurrection of Christ is the greatest gift we could ever receive. What do we do with a gift before we give it to someone? give up. . . We wrap it. Their gift was hidden by the wrapping paper. It was this giant red ball they can climb in and roll around in. It took forever to blow up but they sure had fun in it.
Unfortunately we couldn't find any "homeless" people to have over for Easter dinner. By homeless I mean people that don't have family around that didn't already have plans. So I guess we will be eating ham and potatoes all week.

Sometimes I wonder why I do it. Why should I make this big dinner just for my family who would be happy with pizza and chicken nuggets? I wasn't really in the mood to do all the work it takes, cooking the big dinner and filling and hiding eggs etc.
Then I think about my kids and how I need to make these holiday's memorable. They need to stand out from all the other days regardless of how I feel. Maybe someday when they are older they will be in the same position that I am in, and realize they need to do the extra stuff. They need to know how to make life exciting so their children have memories.

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