
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scottish festival

So much fun so little time to document it. We went down to the Scottish festival in Payson.  Scott was really looking forward to it. Of all the festivals this is one I knew he would like.  It was very appropriately raining when we woke up covering the mountains in a beautiful misty cloud.  By the time we got the the rain had fizzled out and we were just left with a slightly cool and humid summer day.  Perfect for a Scottish festival.This festival had everything; singers, dancers, sheaf tossers, Scottish hammer throwers, stone put throwers, caber tossers, weight over the bar tossers, and pipers, pipers, and more pipers.  Being a bag pipe fan I loved it just as much as Scott did.  Surprisingly the kids enjoyed it also.  I was worried they would get bored but what kid doesn't love watching people chuck stuff, sword fighting and lots of noise?
We always love to try the traditional food.  We were looking forward to the Haggas but sadly they ran out.  I got a Scottish egg instead.  It looked a little strange but it was delicious.  They took a hard boiled eggs and molded around it with a sausage/turkey dressing concoction then lightly seared it all around on the griddle.  I 'm sure it was way out of my calorie allotment but it was super yummy.  Where else can I eat a Scottish egg? The Highland games were equally fun to watch.  The stone put and Sheaf tossers were quite impressive.  The caber tossers try as they might had a hard time succeeding.  I only saw one guy get the pole all the way over.The boys had a great time trying out the swords and beating each other up, we literally had to pry the swords out of their hands then ended up buying them each a sword to take home.  Sometimes I think the swords were more for Scott then the kids.  We couldn't find Ellie for a little bit until we looked up and saw her on stage.  Of course where else would she be.  She just had to take part in the dancing.
caber toss

stone put

this was just a really cute little girl in her Scottish garb I had to take a picture

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