
Saturday, July 21, 2012

a yellow stone

The whole time we were in Yellowstone Brennen kept asking, "are we in Yellowstone?"  Our answer always in the affirmative.  Finally his frustration got the better of him and he asks "well, where's all the yellow stones?"  
We all cracked up.  Then I saw the look on his face that he was so serious so I told him that was the name of the place not necessarily what was there.  He was a little bumbed, until he found his yellow stone.
We were walking along a trail in Norris geyser area when just on the side of the trail was this really large yellow stone.  Brennen was so excited he exclaimed "a yellow stone, a yellow stone!!"  Indeed it was.  so from then on he kept his eye open for yellow stones.  He even brought one home.
Brennen and his yellow stone

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