
Sunday, July 22, 2012


My kids are always asking for a pet but lets get serious. It will be me that ends up taking care of it. I just have too much on my plate right now to add one more thing that needs taking care of. So these are the kind of pets I like the best.

We have this snake that lives in our yard. He’s just a little garden snake so we let him hang around. He usually shows up when I am mowing the lawn. This one particular day he jumped out of the grass to startle me (his favorite game) So I called the kids over to come get him so I wouldn’t chop him up with the mower. They scooped him up and put him in a bucket to play with him for the day. I like the kind that we can play with then let go when were done. Usually just for the day then its mandatory that they be released into the wild.
When we lived in California it was always lizards. Another pet they love to corral is snails. I personally have no good feelings for snails. They wreak havoc in my gardens. The kids went out and gathered about 30 snails and put them in a bucket in the garage unbeknownst to me. We went out for the day and came back that night to find my garage and the bucket covered in snails. I was not happy. They had about 60 seconds to get them out or I was going to crush them.
On the other hand if it gets their pet craving taken care of I guess I could be okay with the snails.

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