
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Yellowstone Wildlife

There was plenty of wildlife in Yellowstone.  The majority of what we saw was Bison.  Tons and tons of bison. 
While driving through the park it mostly a 2 lane road with virtually no shoulder. So as people drove along and saw something that peaked their interest they would stop in the middle of the road to check it out.  Our first experience with this was first driving into the park after a few miles it was gridlock traffic.  As we inched ever so slowly forward we learned everyone stopped for a family of bison.  While the babies were cute it was a little ridiculous to be going so slow.  Scott made the executive decision to turn around and head up the other way.  It was a good decision. We did not come in contact with any bears but we did spot a baby eagle perched in his nest on a pinnacle of rock during a hike to the upper waterfall.
 As we pulled away from the waterfalls we had to slam on the breaks again for this traffic phenomenon.  We craned our necks to see what animal it was this time.  I didn't see anything out of the ordinary and then I realized they were all stopping to watch a line of people riding horses.  I guess for all those city slickers this is interesting wildlife.  I however didn't think people riding horses was such a thing to behold.
When we asked Brennen what his favorite thing in Yellowstone was he said all the animals. He stayed true to his comments because he was sure to point out all the buffalo as if it were a new discovery. 

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