
Friday, July 20, 2012


While planning for this trip I was secretly hoping for some good stories to come out of it.  You know the good bonding kind of stories where we look back and say remember when. . . .After putting in a late night and a really early morning dealing with many children in a confined space, I had the gall to lay down in the back of the RV to take a quick power nap while Scott drove to our next destination.  I was at that point where I was just about asleep when Peter came back and started jumping on me, and trying to do a dog pile on my head.  At first I tried to ignore it so he would get bored.  He didn't.  I sat up and pushed him away saying "leave me alone, mommy is trying to take a nap!" He did as he was told for about 60 seconds. Then I hear this whooshing sound.  Peter has open the back window which is an emergency exit and is trying to climb out of it while we are driving!  Immediately my head pops up I shut the window, scold him and dump him off the bed with instructions to "go bother someone else."
I was just back to sleep when I hear Scott yelling "Ahhhhh get the kid! get the kid! someone help, Ahhhh!!!"
Peter had climbed in the front seat and opened the door, again while we are going 45 mph down the road.  He is holding on for dear life to the chair and the open door.  Scott knew that if he put on his breaks the g-forces would swing the door all the way open.  It was the forced air that was keeping it just slightly ajar.
Shane was asleep on the loft bed, William, Brennen, and Paul were playing cards at the table.  Ellie was in the chair directly behind Peter.  Being the closest she quickly stood up turned around and stared at me.
Hearing Scott's cries I jumped up ran up front reached across the back of the chair, grabbed Peter by his shirt and threw him to the back of the RV. I then grabbed the door and tried to slam it closed only to find a bottle in the way.  I pushed open the door, kicked the bottle out and slammed the door closed.  All the while going 45 down a 2 lane road.
It was exciting to say the least.  With adrenaline running through me I put Peter on the back bed spanked him, asked him, "why are you trying to escape?!" Then tossed him his woobie and said in a VERY stern voice "go to sleep." After all that he went right to sleep without any more fuss.

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