
Sunday, July 22, 2012




When I bought my kitchen table set I absolutely loved it.  Years of use and abuse had brought me to not really adoring my once wonderful table.  I decided that now was a good time to give it a face lift.  The chairs lets face it were disgusting after countless spills and who knows what seeping into the fabric they have seen better days.
I went with my sister to the most random store NPS were I found this faux leather for just $4 a yard.  Way better than the one I was looking at JoAnn's for $20 a yard.  I unscrewed the seats cut the new fabric and with a little tuck here and a fold there and about 1000 staples my chairs look like new.  Next step was my table.  My good ol' table had a terrible sag in the middle from too many children climbing on it, not to mention it was scratched and scuffed beyond recognition.  I hauled it in the garage where I stripped it, sanded it, and sanded it some more.  I then applied the stain.  The first stain I chose was way too red so I had to do the stripping and sanding process all over again.  This time with the right color I stained, sanded and lacquered and lacquered some more.  I felt with all the abuse this table gets I needed to give it extra coats. The hardest thing to fix was probably the sag.  I had to remove the skirt to fix the separation then I took off the leaf guides and screwed them in a new position.
Now it looks beautiful.  I gave fallen in love with my table again all for around $30.

final product

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