
Friday, August 3, 2012

foam day 2012

Foam day this year was an absolute blast.  To get some back ground info on the whole day we asked the Lehi Fire department who are the ones who put this on.  It started as a way for them to not waste the foam they have to put out fires.  When the foam is ready to expire they wanted to use it up so here comes the birth of foam day.  They have these buckets of concentrated foam that cost around $50 a bucket.  However for foam day they do buy extra buckets of fun.  They hook it up to the fire hoses with a special nozzle and viola instant foam.  They build it up first for about 20 min to a half and hour its all roped off as the participants watch eagerly behind the lines.  They set it  up in 2 areas.  One for the younger kids and one for everyone else because a little one could get lost in the foam. Then they release the crowd and spray away for  2 hours straight.  They also invite vendors to come and sell their wares and they have free watermelon that the beauty queens serve.  The whole day cost the city around $500 not bad for a full day of fun.
One thing that is a definite must is goggles.  The foam can sting your eyes and it doesn't taste very good but what soap does.  All of it is worth it as you plunge into the deep cool foam. It was so funny to watch all the different reactions from people.  Some thought it would soften their fall so they would belly flop right onto the grass with a resounding "ugh".  It turned the ground into an instant slip and slid.  That was super fun to watch all the much bigger kids (grown ups) bring out that kid inside and slide all the way across the grass.
Some people loved it and some were more content to sit on the side lines and watch.  Scott really got into it this year getting right in the middle of everything.  He would dive through the foam with glee and then scoop up a bunch and pile it on anyone who was remotely dry.  He even snuck up on my mom and sister Kate to give them a giant foam hug. Then he came after me. I admit there were quite a few squeals and screams on my part.  I wasn't really planning on getting soaked.  As if right on cue one fire fighter manning a foam hose aimed his weapon of mass foaming right at me totally soaking me.  There was nothing left to do but join in the fun.

After we were all foamed out we grabbed some watermelon and watched the crowd.  They also had a bunch of bouncy slides they kids attempted to go on.  However the lines were really long so I think only half of them actually got to go down one.  I had a wonderful time with my family watching and laughing at all the crazy people and just plain enjoying summer life. Foam day gets 4 stars from me.

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