
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Joe's crab shack

After playing with the kids Scott asked if I wanted to go out to dinner.  I have been trying to be better at not giving into the guilt of leaving my children and spending guilt free time with my sweet hubby.  He is always asking if I want to go . ..  Often I only think about not wanting to spend the money or feeling like the kids would be left out.  I am now taking in the counsel our leaders have given us of making it a priority to go out with our spouses.  It has done wonders for us. Anyway back to the story he has wanted seafood for a long time.  I am not a huge fan of seafood so I usually suggest something else. This time I just let him have his say and we drove to Joe's Crab Shack.  It was so cute to see him "giddy as a school boy" He was so happy and antsy to get his fish I actually said he was as giddy as a school boy.  We had a great time eating and laughing and joking, talking and eating.  There was a small family there from Boston complete with the accent enjoying every minute of their dinner we just had to laugh. Scott ordered a steam pot with crab, mussels, clams and more crab.  I did try it and it was delicious.  I ordered the fish and chips which were exceptional.  I begged him to put the bib on.  He did it just long enough for me to take a picture then threw it in the trash bucket.  Thanks sweetie, your a good trooper.  Maybe I wont turn down seafood next time.

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