This summer has been a great one. We have done a lot of fun stuff and I just didn't want it to end. I was feeling sad that our time of carefree days were over until. . . my kids decided to help push me in the "send them to school" mode. They all of the sudden started getting on my nerves more than usual. Maybe its because there is so much to do before school starts or maybe they are feeding off of my stress at having to be scheduled again Whatever it is I am starting to see that it can be a good thing that kids go back to school.

In any case I wanted their last days of summer to be fun. The first thing I did was have a End of Summer sleepover. I invited all the cousins but only 1 family was able to make it. that was really okay with me it just meant less work. I ordered pizza and got a red box. When it got dark we had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows for smores. I even let the boys pee on the fire when we were done. It was their favorite part of the whole fire. When the kids were full of sugar we started the night games. Ghost in the graveyard is always the favorite. I reveled in the perfect night air at the sound of children laughing and squealing as they run in the dark. I remember such nights as a kids and I loved them, I hope to bring the love of times like this to my own children. When we were all smoked out from the fire and the sugar had worn off from the running around we headed back inside to work on the blanket fort.
Now this blanket fort has been in progress for days. I have let my kids
destroy create in my basement for the last week. I haven't touched it. they have built and rebuilt this massive blanket fort, rearranging the floor plan using all the linens and cushions in the house. The neighbor kids even brought over some of their blankets to add to this massive structure. I took a picture of its final day after there was a battle.

After letting them stay up for as long as they wanted I let them sleep in until they couldn't possibly sleep any more (Ellie stayed asleep until 3pm!!) For those who weren't as deep of sleepers I had German Pancakes for breakfast, then I just let them run a muck doing whatever they pleased (within reason) When all the kids were picked up we headed off to Trafalga for one last hurrah. The ticket gods saw favor in us and bestowed thousands of tickets upon us. Peter played his first game and won 1000 tickets. It seemed as every game played, each kid won the maximum amount of tickets possible. It was a day to be remembered that's for sure.
my favorite kind of marshmallow, seriously give it to me flaming |
night games |
night games |
after the battle |
the one remaining structure |
So good bye summer its been a blast. Thanks for all the heat (yes I said heat I love it), sun, swimming, sleeping, reading, and just plain fun. I hope to see you very soon. I don't think I can ever go back to the cold.
Peter and his ticket winnings |
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