Today my little boy announced he was no longer a baby. We all know how Peter loves his Woobie. He needs it to sleep, when he is sad, or hurt. Today Brennen was playing way too rough (no surprise there) and "accidentally" kicked Peter in the face. Peter came to me crying, I picked him up and gave him loves. Then scolded Brennen and told him to go get his brothers Woobie. To my astonishment Peter cried out "I don't need my Woobie. I'm a big boy NOT a baby!" I thought he was just delirious from the face hit. So we got the Woobie and gave it to the still crying Peter for comfort. He wanted nothing to do with it. He threw it exclaiming that he doesn't need it he's a big boy.

Part of me is so proud of him to break himself of this crutch. The other part of me was dying inside. My sweet baby is growing up, when did this happen? He's supposed to be my tiny Peter Pie that lets me baby him all I want. I have to admit I am a little sad to end this chapter of my life.
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