
Friday, August 3, 2012

doughnut falls

my sister had to map out a hike for her Young Women.  She invited us to go check out doughnut falls up big cottonwood canyon.  I've never been so of course I agreed.  I am always up for a little adventure. Scott surprised me by coming too.  We pack a picnic lunch and drove up the canyon.  I love driving up any canyon.  When I was little we used to hop in the back of the truck and take a drive.  It is so pretty anytime of year. We found the spot and tired to park.  The place was quite crowded so we found a spot unfortunately it turned out to be a no parking zone. That we didn't realize until we had eaten our lunch and saw a cop trying to write us a ticket.  My sister Steph quickly stepped up and discouraged him from giving us the tickets if we moved the cars immediately.  Thank goodness we ate lunch first.  Once we found a more acceptable parking space we headed off on our hike.  It was a nice easy hike with a big reward at the end.
Doughnut falls is a water fall that pours through the rock.  All the water created a little grotto under the  rock so it was pretty neat.  We spent a lot of time climbing all over the rocks and splashing in the water.  Even climbing into the grotto. However when we got to the top all the little ones asked where all the doughnuts were.  Sorry to disappoint kids there are no edible doughnuts here.

 There was a fallen tree there that had become smooth and soft from all the water that ran over it.  Brennen noticed this and said "Hey mom this tree is so soft."  recognising a teaching moment I asked "Do you know why its so soft?" To which he immediately replied "yeh because of all the falling doughnuts."

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