One of my favorite places to go is the library. I loved going when I was little and I still love it. Am I a nerd if I say I love the smell of books. Someday if I grow up I want a big library in my house with wall to wall bookshelves and a couple of comfy chairs with huge windows. Is that too much to ask? (okay maybe it is) This summer has been wonderful, I have read a plethera of books. The wonderful thing about this library is that is has a little temple sticker on the bind of any books written by LDS authors. What makes this so wonderful is that I know the books are clean and I don't waste my time on something I am going to be disappointed in half way through. This doesn't always mean that they are churchy books. So I have just gone up and down the isles looking for the stickers and putting them in my bag. Some are great some are fluff and some are just okay but I am never unhappy with any of them. I also love the first hour after coming home from the library. The house is quiet books are strewn all over but my children are reading and excited about it, so forget the mess for now we are reading, and to me that is so much more important.

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