
Friday, August 10, 2012

more summer fun

As summer winds down I am starting the panic mode.  Did we do all the fun stuff we said we were going to do on our bucket list?  Are we ready for school to start?  Have we had enough summer?  The answers to those questions are yes, no and no.  Usually this time of year I am more than ready for my kids to start back up at school but this year is different.  I have had a really fun summer and I don't want it to end.  I have been loving the stay up late, sleep in late, feed kids when we get around to it.  If we decided we want to get ice cream or go swimming or DI we just go.  No real schedule just wingin' it. I think that the real problem is I don't want to HAVE to be responsible.
On that note I am squeezing in all the fun stuff that I wanted to do just one more time.  One of those was seven peaks water park. My sister Laura is moving to New York so we did a day to hand out with her.  Anything that has to do with water I am there.  Water parks are no exception. So we swam and played with Grandma, Laura and my sister Amy's family.  Poor Scott had to work this time.  We will all be happy when he gets to go down to 4 days a week.  (I know we have it so hard right.)  
The little boys body surfed in the wave pool.  We would go near the more shallow part and when the wave was just right I would grab their life jackets and glide/throw them across the water towards the shore.  they loved it and said it felt like they were flying.

Then we tried the racing slides.  Poor Peter went down with me who was more concerned about filming than preventing him from getting drowned. And yes Ellie and William were there but they go off and do their own thing so I never can quite get a picture of them.
Peter was so nervous about going down this tiny slide.  I have no idea why.  What  you see is literally all there is to the slide.

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