Ellie has had a productive summer. This year she decided to try a real play. She got the lead in the children's choir surprise surprise. Every night she has been at practice or the actual play. She has loved it. I am happy she found something just for her. I am sure she will be so sad when its all over. I on the other hand will be happy to have my baby sitter back.

She was involved in Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat for the city of American Fork. It was done in this beautiful outdoor amphitheater. Opening night turned out to be a success. I have a few favorite parts. The first is after the brothers have sold Joseph and they are singing about one more angel in heaven, one less plate at the table. When they give the news to their dad its all somber, however as soon as the dad leaves the stage it turns into an all out hoedown. Super funny. I loved how Potifer came out in a golf cart cause he's the man. Then there was an Elvis Pharaoh and they made Joseph wear a jumpsuit too. And my very favorite part is at the end they are singing about Joseph riding his gold chariot and he comes out on a little gold razor scooter with streamers, I really laughed at that one.
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