
Friday, March 6, 2015

Swiss Days with the Girls Sept 2014

I love this annual tradition we have.  Usually we camp out in the RV but this year my mom sold the RV so Amy was kind enough to get us a hotel room.  We decided that Ellie was old enough to come along as long as she could keep up.  Our first day was actually the evening, we had to wait for people to get off work and then drive up, so we really only got to do about 2 rows of booth before we decided to get dinner and head to the hotel to swim.  When we got to the hotel we learned that they cancelled our reservation and they were sold out.    After much negotiation we told the hotel to let us swim while they figured out the logistics, or magically build a new room for us to stay in.  On top of that my mom was so excited about this little getaway that she forgot her suitcase on the kitchen table back at home. So we took a trip to the local Walmart to find a suit, any suit so she could swim.  This Walmart happened to be THE SMALLEST super Walmart I have ever come across.  Basically it was a little more than a general store, so no swimsuits to be found.  That's okay we are creative.  She decided to just get some work out clothes that would keep everything in its proper place.  A couple of hours later messing around and soaking in the hot tub, they miraculously found us a room.  After talking and laughing as all girls do we dozed off around 1 am.  When asked what time we were getting up we informed Kate we would like to be down for the 9am shuttle.  She was not happy about that but our thoughts are "you can sleep when your dead"  Seriously I think sleep is overrated, think of all you can get done if you didn't have to sleep. Needless to say we didn't make the shuttle.
We did have a great time at Swiss Days but then again we always seem to have great time when we are together. I do love that about my family.  I don't know what my parents did but we can always have a good time. I picked up some prints from my favorite LDS artist Liz Lemon Swindle.  There is just something about her work that is so real to me. She had these amazing pictures in little chunky frames that were ornaments for your Christmas tree.  As much as I loved them I couldn't bring myself to pay the large pricetag for them. I was inspired by them instead and vowed to keep my eyes open for small chunky frames at DI.

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