
Friday, March 6, 2015

Ellie turns 14 Oct 2014

For Ellie's birthday she couldn't come up with anything more than have some friends hang out and watch a movie.  I know as a mom I should be grateful that this simple request was all she wanted.  However as the Jane that I am I couldn't allow it.  It sounded so lame to me.  Why is it teenagers are so boring and lame?  So I talked her into going Laser Tagging.  I know this was going to cost me more but I felt like she needed something a little more fun.  She reluctantly agreed.  I came up with this cake idea  it was simple yet it fit the theme.  Most importantly it tasted good.  
Peter thought this was the  most amazing cake ever.  
We all had a great time at laser tag.  Yes Scott, me and the boys joined in on laser tag.  It was us against the girls and can I just say we totally creamed them.  It was so funny to watch them cower and squirm with only a few brave enough to actually venture out and shoot.  After the first game the more timid girls found their bravery and came out with a vengeance.  Sadly they still lost to Scott, the boys and I, but they had so much fun.  I heard that comment over and over again, "That was so much fun."  That's a winning mom moment. Happy Birthday my talented girl.  We love you!

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