
Friday, March 6, 2015

Cornbellys Oct 2014

We decided that we had so much fun at cornbellys that we wanted to go again this year.  Its a little expensive so we gathered all the coupons we could find to help offset the cost.  With the coupons it cost as much as taking the family out to dinner so it was justified.  Then again can you really put a price on good fun together time as a family.  I know you don't have to spend money to have a good time but once in awhile I think its fine, and we are creating lasting memories for the kids when we do stuff different from the norm.
This time we got a little lost in the corn maze.  That is what happens when you let the kids choose which way to go, then again that is all part of the fun.  
We went into the spook alleys this time and I am really quite embarrassed to admit that in the giant blowup dinosaur that had absolutely nothing in it but lights and sounds I was spooked.  There was a hole in the dinosaur rib area, I stuck my arm in it to feel the breeze from the fan when a little kid bumped up against the other side of it.  I jumped a few feet and let out a squeal.  My family thought it was the funniest thing while I tried to down play it.  They still haven't let me live it down.
We also went through this hay maze.  The hay was about 12 feet tall and you could only go through it single file.  I couldn't believe what a good insulator hay is.  It was so warm and quiet in the maze.  This fact alone freaked out the boys more than the stupid blowup dinosaur.  There was a guy in a Gilly suit who was sneaking around scaring people.  Ellie came across some kids from her school inside the maze.  when the Gilly suit guy made an appearance one of the girls broke off her group and joined us. They had a couple of machine when you walked past they blew air at you or a loud noise.  Those got William good and I was redeemed just a little bit.

They had a game called "corn ball"  it like volleyball with hay bales for the net except the ball looks like corn and is huge and a heavy.  We were having a blast playing when some smart alec decided to get up on the hay bales and try to knock the ball from there.  I told the kid many times that he needed to get down it was too dangerous up there.  I was serious the ball is pretty heavy.  I knew if he got hit with it it could definitely knock him off the wall and he could really get hurt.  He hopped down for 2 minutes then was right back up again  even though I told him to stay off.  Well as my luck would have it the ball came to me and I tossed it back over.  I didn't realize that the kid was right in my path (did I mention the ball is huge  I can't see around it) Apparently I knocked that kid off the wall so hard he went flying.  As soon as the ball cleared I saw him falling to the ground.  I made sure to check on him to see if he was okay.  He wasn't happy, but I did warn him.  I made sure to talk to his parents to see if he really was okay.  THANKFULLY they were the kind of parents that said "it was his fault for climbing up there, maybe next time he will think about his stupid actions."  Meanwhile Scott is in the background busting up because he got it all on video.  Definitely AFV worthy.  

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