
Friday, March 6, 2015

Chalk the Block Sept 2014

I hemmed and hawed over whether or not to be an artist in chalk the block in Provo.  As much as I wanted to do it family calls for sacrifice, and this year I had to sacrifice my opportunity to participate in this awesome display of art.  I am hoping the next year I will be able to fit it in without it adversely affecting my family.  Because I wasn't able to be in it I did make everyone come with me to check it out.  We had Scott's sister and her family with us and thankfully they were pretty compliant.  I am truly amazed at some of the work these people created. The hard part is the scale of everything, its actually more difficult to draw everything in such a large scale.
My favorite is the women with the elephant, so impressive.  I know I am not up to this level but I have to start somewhere and I think it would be such a great experience. 
They had a live band for this event and they were awesome!  Their tone was great and they had a wide range of songs.  My boys danced and danced.  Peter tried out his little break dance moves wowing the crowd.  I must admit I do love that my kids are quite confidant, it will serve them well in life.  I just hope that as they grow up people don't steal that confidence away from them.
After admiring all the art we ate at Toucano's a delicious Brazilian restaurant.  Once we had our fill we headed home off into a beautiful sunset.  It was almost like Heavenly Father wanted to show that he too can create beautiful works of art.  It was a great day! 

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