
Monday, February 23, 2015

state fair Sept 2014

Another year another State fair.  I know its silly but this is something I actually look forward to every year.  I don't know if it reminds me of my dad, I just have fond memories, or I like to people watch.  What ever the case my kids are starting to enjoy this time as well although I think they like the rides the best.  This year my brother decided to enter some of his work.  I am proud to say that everything he entered he won.  He really does do amazing work, mostly in Blacksmithing lately.  My boys were instantly drawn to one of his swords.  There was just something about it, I knew it was his work before I even looked at the artist. Personally I loved this horn sculpture, but I guess that's the horn player in me.

The animals were cute as ever and we all really want some chickens of our own now, and maybe even a goat.  I think Brennen is with me on the goat idea. Time and time again he reminds me of a little "Lucky", which I am secretly grateful for.
When we came across this sheep we all started laughing at the ridiculous  coat.  I know its to keep them nice and clean for showing but this one just screamed 1980's aerobics and that made us all hysterical.  There was no rain this time so but it did get a little chilly when the sun went down. the kids all had a great time and I am happy that the animals were their favorite.  They were even patient with me as I toured all the fine arts.  

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