
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

1st day of school 2014

The first day of school is always a toss up on whether my kids will let me take them or not.  This year they were a little better than last.  I explained to them ahead of time that its my right as a mom to  take them to school on their first day.  First we went shopping for all their school supplies.  I just like to get the necessities. I felt like this was a good time to teach them about finances.  When they went to select their folders I showed them the prices of the different options and taught them the difference they would be saving if they bought the generic one.  After a quick math lesson they were finally catching on and decided that if they spent less money on the fancy school supplies they could use the extra for something they really wanted or needed.
 My boys really wanted a new backpack but I felt like their backpacks were still in good condition so I refused.  They came up with a plan to sell lemonade to earn money to buy their own backpacks.  I am so glad they went about it this way instead of trying to nag me or whine or pressure me into just buying new backpacks.
We did find this cool backpack/vest for Peter who is totally into vests right now.  Seriously he never leaves the house without a vest regardless of the tempereature outside.  He decided not to get it.  I was astonished.  This guy who LOVES vests didn't want a vest backpack?  His reasoning behind his decision, he would have to take it off at school and it was too small.  I am glad that in somethings he can think logically, there may be hope for him yet.  

I had the kids set out their clothes for their first day of school the night before.  Brennen was so literal in laying out his clothes I just had to chuckle to myself.  Silly Brenny.
I was a little nervous about Peter's first day.  Not for him but for me.  Was I okay with this?  My baby going off to school?  I am not going to lie it was a little hard but he was so confident I just had to be happy for him.  FYI I love the way the school welcomes their kindergartners on their first day.  Peter already thinks quite highly of himself but after this, he was SURE he is a rockstar.  Way to inflate is ego Sego Lily.  

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