
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Food Truck Roundup Sept 2014

I have secretly been dying to go to this food truck round up.  After unsuccessfully trying to drop a subtle hint I finally just made the date.  I invited my mom and sister who oddly enough has never been to a food truck before.  How does one even live without that experience, especially now days  where food trucks have evolved more into gourmet meals on wheels  and less roach coach.  Sadly for her she was sick with the tail end of a stomach bug but she was determined to check this off her bucket list.
The food was delicious.  I ordered a fancy burger called the Schwinn.  It had arugula, balsamic tomato's, Gruyere cheese and a delicious sauce.  It was super yummy.  We also tried out the infamous "Art City donuts".  The did not disappoint.
My favorite thing about the food truck round up was actually the diversity.  Diversity of food, people, and culture.  Living in Utah I find it often quite. . . "Vanilla", and when I say vanilla I mean boring.  Everyone seems the same, they all look the same, no one ever tries anything new, or has creative ideas of things to do,  When we ask neighbors what fun things they have done, or any great restaurants they can recommend, no one can come up with anything, no one has done anything, their weekends are all the same, it can be really bland.  That being said if you find the right places you can get some diversity.  That's how I felt about the food truck round up.  It made me feel like I was back in California.  The people were quirky, the food was good and the music was surprisingly good.  It was just a little high school band with great musicians but I think they needed to get a new lead singer, she was less than awesome.  
This is an activity I will definitely  be visiting again.  

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