
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lake Powell Aug 2014

LKP baby.  We were blessed enough to be invited on an Adults only trip to Lake Powell.  It has been forever since we've been to Lake Powell and I was more than ready to jump at the offer.  Thankfully Scott was on board as well.  We had a fantastic time.  It felt a little like it to took forever to get there because we went on the lower half of Lake Powell to a new marina.  Of course we offered to bring our toys (wave runners, paddle board, tubes)  The houseboats that were rented were huge.  I am talking  75 feet.  They were super nice with 5 full bedrooms 2 bathrooms a full kitchen with dishwasher, a slide and full top entertainment area.  So like I said super nice.  The company rented 2 boats.  Our group offered to bunk in the smaller one and I am so glad we did.  There were a lot of people involved in this trip but we mostly stuck with our new found friends.  It ended up with the younger people on the bigger house boat and the older people on the smaller and it was so nice.  Our boat stayed nice and clean and everything ran smoothly.  The younger crowd ran out of water, they lost electricity, their boat was a mess and it smelled pretty ripe.  That and I realized I really am getting older because I had no desire to stay up super late to blaring music and party like a 20 yr old.  We snagged a pretty good spot that had 2 islands we could swim out to and jump off. There was also very little boat traffic so we didn't have to worry about getting run over.  (except by our own crew).  
The down side of having so many people on a trip like this is that too many people didn't know how to proper operate the machines. We had quite a few almost disasters and one crash resulting in ripping the mirror off of a wave runner, thankfully our stayed safe the entire trip.
I got to try "surfing" for the first time as well as wake boarding.  both were relatively easy for me but then again I am completely at home in the water.  The surfing actually looked a lot cooler than it really was.  Not a super exciting sport when done behind a boat but I was happy to check it off my list.  Scott as amazing at driving the boat something I was a little worried about trying myself so I left it all up to the men.
This being a company trip they had a few activities planned.  One was a lip sync.  Our group was a little weary about performing and then when some others totally blew it out of the park we (along with half of the entire crew) opted to not have everyone embarrass themselves.  The ones that did it were phenomenal.  All of it super entertaining.  They also had a huge firework show.  The boated out to the island rock and let them all fly.  It was awesome to hear the boom reverberate off the canyon walls, and then see the reflection of the fireworks dance off the water.
During the night the Loveridges moved their sleeping mat to the opposite side of the boat.  I don't know if it was just coincidence but some bats decided to torment Sarah.  It was so funny.  They would dive bomb her without actually touching her but enough to make her scream.  The funny part was that Scott and I had been sleeping in that exact spot with no problems whatsoever.  It was a good trip that I just enjoyed so there is not that many pictures but the memories are priceless.
We had a great time getting to know a few couples in our ward and they have turned out to be some good friends. I am so thankful the Conrads decided to invite us.  It came at the perfect time.    

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