
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lagoon with Cousins Sept 2014

Scott was able to get a deal to Lagoon with his dental association so we jumped at the opportunity.  We invited his sister and her family because they were going to be up here anyway. I haven't been to Lagoon in 14 years so this was a blast from the past.  It was fun seeing things that I remembered doing when I was younger.  Seeing games that  my dad would play brought back fond memories that I hoped to passed down to my children.
   We picked a school day to go.  My kids were so funny, they were mad at me for taking them out of school to go to Lagoon.  Who does that?  Once they were there they were happy about it but I got grumbles the whole way up there.  Bunch of weirdo's.  The day we decided to go could not have been better.  The crowd was almost zilch so we never waited in line longer than 5 minutes.  The weather was sunny but not hot so we didn't get heat stroke.  Basically we got to do every ride we wanted and were done by 3pm.  Its amazing how much you can get done when you don't have to wait in line.  We packed a lunch to help minimize the cost and that was a huge help.  Not to mention perfect timing because  Brennen split his pants and needed a change.  Luckily we brought our swimsuits just in case we wanted to go to the water park.  So he spent the rest of the day in his suit.  
It was nice taking it easy.  Usually we all get overloaded at a place like this, but the lack of crowds and the pleasant day eased all the tension.  The teenagers took off together to ride some big rides and just be "cool" teenagers, while the grown ups relaxed in the kiddie land.  Brennen was hilarious, he kept sneaking on this little bug ride similar to the Dumbo ride at Disneyland.  He must have ridden that thing 20 times.  I don't know what he found so great about it but he was having a great time.
We did lose William and Jarom for awhile.  They had a cell phone with them but apparently they didn't pay attention to it.  We called and texted about a dozen times trying to meet up with them.  Thankfully the park is not that big and we came across them right when we were ready to leave.  We actually left the park around 5 and my first thought was "are we leaving too early?", but the more I thought about it the more I realized we got an entire days worth of Lagoon fun done in just a couple of hours because we never had to wait in line.  I love it when we are lucky like that in picking the perfect time.  

this kid finds joy in so many things

one of my favorite rides

the end of a good day.

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