
Friday, June 29, 2012

new arrivals

They finally hatched.  Actually I think they hatched while we were gone but we just noticed them today.  William and Brennen were opening the blinds and started shouting.  I came to see what all the commotion was about, and here it is.  I told the boys to NOT open the door before I got my camera, of course they didn't listen.  As they opened the door the mama hummingbird was hovering right in front of the door just daring us the get close to here babies.  Of course my boys were not phased by her daring request so she flew away to watch from afar.
I put the pictures on the computer and some of us commented on how ugly baby birds are.  All except for William.  He responded with and ohhh their so cute.  Such a baby man.  We will continue to watch them grow

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