Sand Hollow. Can I just say I love going to the lake. It's that extra sand quotient that makes for perfect relaxation. Remember I said all I need is Sun
Sand and Water. well this lake has beautiful red sand. It was really nice, not too hot but hot enough, the water was relatively warm (huge plus) not a lot of wind just fun.
We brought a picnic, set up the shade, tossed out the sand toys and of course launched the wave runners.
Of all the things we did on our trip I would have to say playing on the wave runners was my favorite.
check out the "concentration tongue" |
I absolutely LOVE the speed the spray the heat the thrill that comes with riding the wave runners.
To be honest its my favorite when I am a little selfish and take one out all by myself. I can go as fast or crazy as I want, jumping any wave I come across. Shear bliss for me.
The little ones were so happy to just play in the sand and wade in the water. Having mostly boys in the cousin department they built themselves a potty. They dug a hole and put sand walls around it and told Peter it was a potty so he did the only logical thing, whipped it out and filled it up. I turned just in time to see the incident. Whatcha gonna do?

We took the kids out to the jumping rock to test their bravery. They started out small then went a little higher as they got more determined. While we were there a group of young adults were trying to get up their nerve to jump off the highest point. The kids tried to cheer them on, or taunt them I'm not really sure but they chanted JUMP,JUMP,JUMP,JUMP, J-U-M-P, J-U-M-P until the peer pressure was too much and they jumped. One was reluctant. He was the last to jump and when he did it ended up being a belly flop. I felt bad for the poor guy as he floated then crawled to shore with a groan. All I can say is he was lucky he had wet suit on.
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