
Monday, June 25, 2012

slot canyon

Summer is here, summer is hear, thank the heavens summer is here. You know the days where you don't have to get the kids dressed because they basically live in their swimsuits.
  There are sometimes where I freak out and think my kids and I are spending way too much time together, and the repeated phrase "I'm bored" starts getting to us all.  But really we all love summer. We recently took our annual trip to St. George with the whole family.

The boys took off early to go hiking up in Escelante to the slot canyons.  After hours of driving they finally made it.  They hiked up down and all around these beautiful canyons. Unfortunatly for them they did not think a head about sustinance so by the time they were done they were so exhausted and famished half of them didn't hike the last canyon. This was strickley a guys trip but I was so happy Scott remembered to take some photos.  What a beautiful place.  The reds and the rock formations could only have been created by a divine hand molding the elements.  I think next time I may have to include myself in this guys only hike.  After all I'm "not a real girl" right? (inside joke)

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