
Sunday, June 10, 2012

7 peaks

Its officially summer for us so we decided to take advantage of our pass of all passes.  It was 100 degrees on Monday so I told the kids I would take them to the water park on Tuesday.  Too bad it was only 70 on Tuesday. Can I just tell you, I am having a hard time with the extreme temperature changes that  happen here.  I know I grew up here but they never seemed this drastic to me.  Its boiling one day and freezing the next. Its like mother nature is a practical joker or extremely hormonal.  So. . Peter of course was freezing!!  I did keep him in the little kid area which is warmer than the rest but his little body just can't stay warm in water.  Other than being cold the kids loved it.
Yes Ellie was there too but you know Ellie she is part mermaid so I couldn't get her out of the water to join in pictures.  Plus I was there to play not take photos.  We took a small break for snack time.  I took this time to check my phone to find a good surprise.  Scott's afternoon fell apart so he was on his way to come play with us.  The kids were so excited, they don't always get to do this fun stuff with dad.  

 I am excited to come back on a warmer day and get my money's worth out of my passes.

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