
Sunday, June 10, 2012

water fight

My kids are already trying out the "Im bored" phrase and its only been a week of summer.  What is it with today's kids.  I tried to tell them that when I was on summer break we didn't go to any camps or things like that.  We spent our day riding our bikes around the neighborhood, building junk forts, and all the classic games like capture the flag, hide and seek, and kick the can.  We created our own fun.  We didn't play computer games. (I'm sure we did say "I'm bored" from time to time but my mother is crazy creative so that didn't last long.)
Back to my kids, I was coming up with an activity which was go the library then legacy center when my nephew called to invite us to a good old fashioned water fight.  Perfect then I could save those other things for another day.  It all started out great with just laying down a few ground rules.
1. have fun
2. know the safe zone (a place you couldn't get wet)
3. no fighting
4. Get Wet

               They split themselves up in teams and soaked away.  It lasted about 5 minutes before the fighting started.  Why do kids ruin their own fun by fighting? We decided this was something they could work out on their own.  After 10 min of fighting, splashing, and more fighting, we had them break for a snack. Reset the new ground rules and refilled their buckets.  Overall I think they had fun.

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