
Friday, June 1, 2012

new addition

We have a new addition to our family.  A Humming bird has decided to make a nest on a hook on my front porch.  She has two tiny eggs in her well made cozy nest.  Everyday my kids have to check on her to make sure she is still there.  This has piqued some interest in my kids and they have been asking me all kinds of questions about these tiny animals.  So I turned to my good friend the internet.  It turns out that the eggs have a 13-17 day gestation period.  So my kids check the nest every day in hopes of seeing the tiniest birds alive. I showed them some pictures on the computer.  The babies will be about the size of my thumb nail. We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. That nest is awesome. We have had a few nests built in our yard too. No hummingbirds though. It's amazing what those little birds can build!



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