
Sunday, March 27, 2011


The other night I awoke to the sound of little footsteps. Thinking it was one of my children I called out into the darkness. "Go to bed." No reply. . Still more footsteps and a clinking sound like someone was playing with my dresser drawer handles. So I sit up a little more wide awake confused as to why they were trying to get in my dresser. "whose there?" I ask, still no comment. Now it sounds like they are in my closet. I am starting to get mad. 'What are you doing in my closet?" I ask. When I peer around the corner there is no one there. I am getting a little nervous. I am more coherent now. I hear the footsteps and clinking above my head. Now I hear it on my skylight. What is that? I flick on all the lights and wait patiently for more foot steps. I wait, and wait, and wait. . . Nothing the footsteps are gone. I cautiously go back to bed with my ear tuned to any little tiny sound until sleep overcomes me. I told Scott the next morning. He thought I was a little crazy. He wondered why I didn't wake him. I said I didn't want to bother him if it was nothing. (He's the type that needs his full sleep.) So last night I had put the kids to bed. They were sound asleep. Scott was at the computer, and I was on the couch watching TV when I heard those distinctive footsteps overhead. Quickly I mute the TV. Yep the same footsteps I heard before. I whisper, "Scott come here!" He ignores me. "Scott mute the computer and come here!" Still not hearing me. "SCOTT TURN THAT THING OFF AND GET OVER HERE!!" Annoyed he asks "What do you want." "Hear it? Do you hear that?" "Hear what?" "Just be quiet for a second and listen." sure enough footsteps on the roof. We grab a flashlight and head outside. Point the light on the roof and this is what we see. Quickly I run inside and grab William's airsoft gun, luckily there were BB's in the clip. I take it outside and aim it at the little mischief makers. Thanks to my family's occasionally target practice I hit him square in the face. Unfortunately it was such a week gun it only made him step back and shake his head. So I aim again, and got his buddy. By this time Scott brings out a little bigger gun. Williams Red Rider BB gun that my dad gave him for his birthday. (we didn't uses something bigger because of where we live and we didn't want to have to clean anything up.) He caulks, aims, fires, and bulls eye. Hit the little bugger, then quickly caulks again to get his buddy. Well we got em. They scampered off down the road, and we could hear them "chirping/clicking" as they went. Another reason why you should always have a gun in the house. Even if you live in a residential neighborhood. And yes we are members of the NRA

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