
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I am so sick of dealing with sick kids. For the past 2 weeks I have been quarantined to the house with the occasional visit to the Dr's office and the pharmacy. If you know me I'm like a caged animal. If I don't get out I pace back and forth. I get major cabin fever, and start to go crazy. It all started with Ellie and an ear infection that involved fever and vomiting. Then William came down with pink eye and a fever. Followed by Brennen with the start of pink eye, a fever, and vomiting. Lastly Peter is stuffy, not sleeping, with a slight fever and just plain whiny. I can't take it anymore!! I am the first to admit that I am not good with sick people. Don't get me wrong I can handle all the clean up that comes with it. Its the sympathy I'm not good at. I can ONLY be nice and caring for about 3 days. After that I prefer you suck it up and suffer in silence. I don't know why I'm that way. Maybe its because I am rarely sick, and when I am its for a short period of time (like 24 hours) Also when I'm sick I don't get time off. I still have to take care of everyone elses needs with no one taking care of me.
Well I'm sick
I'm sick of sick kids I'm sick of whiny babies I'm sick of cleaning up bodily fluids I'm sick of cleaning up my house over and over again I'm sick of dealing with kids not wanting to do homework I'm sick of my family complaining when I make them healthy meals I'm sick of being the bad guy I'm sick of arguing with my daughter about appropriate outfits. I'm sick of being stressed out (That's another story with us trying to move to Utah) I'm sick of feeling isolated I'm sick of people being flaky, lazy and self absorbed I'm sick of misplacing items (my memory if failing me and I keep loosing stuff) I'm sick of the cold and the rain. Maybe I have that SADD disorder I'm sick of worrying.

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