
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


William just started track. He begged me to sign him up so when I went to do it, we had to be put on the wait list. With some friends help and a lot of follow up enough kids dropped out so we could join. I thought he was going to be extatic. He was less than thrilled. He complained and moaned, "Mom, why did you sign me up for that. I don't want to do track."

"Yes you do" I replied. " remember you begged me to sign you up. You said it was going to be so awesome. Remember?

"I never said that. Why do you always do this?"

"Do what? enroll you in activites that you think would be fun? Just try it and see. I think you will like it."

So long argument short he went. He was very sulky until he saw a bunch of his friends from school and church. After that all was well.

He woke up the next day complaining that his legs weren't working right.

He has never experienced being sore before and he thought there was something seriously wrong with his legs.

After a couple of weeks of track he is an old pro. He had his first meet although it was a mock meet. I was surprised that he did better in the longer run (400m) than the shorter (100m)

Something new for me is all the track lingo. They kept telling me all these numbers and I had no idea what they were talking about. Here is what I learned 1500 is around the track 4 times.

400 is around 1 time. 200 is half the track. 100 is just one side of the track. Now I just need to learn the rest of the lingo. They should have given us a handbook when we first signed up.

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