
Saturday, March 12, 2011


As most of you know we are working on a lot of things right now. Mostly dealing with "moving to Utah" I put that in quotes because there are so many unknowns we just don't know if and when its going to happen. Our goal is still this summer. Keep your fingers crossed.

One thing we are trying to do is lower our interest rate on our current house, so we can rent it out. But its not just so we can rent it out we really need it to lower. Work has been awful! This is supposed to be our busiest time of year and it has been worse than our slowest time of year. We put ourselves on a strict budget, and it seems that the tighter our budget the less money we are bringing home.

The banks keep giving us the run around and I am starting to get discouraged. I feel like they are taking so long to see if we will drop it all together. Just as I am about to lose faith Scott starts telling me how he was reading the scriptures where Moses gets water from the rock. He relates that to our situation. what we are trying to do is hard, very hard but not impossible. Getting money from the bank is like getting water from a rock.

I joke by saying, "Great so all we need is a modern day Moses. Do you think he's listed in the phone book?" Scott answers "No Jane, we just need faith like Moses."

So here istgoes. I am back on the faith wagon. Say your prayers for us.

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