
Friday, March 4, 2011


Okay so I'm doing a little better. I don't know if its because the sun finally came out or because I found my keys. Funny story about my keys. I lost them. I have been losing a lot of stuff lately. I'm REALLY frustrated with myself for not being organized enough. Well it turns out that it is not all my fault. I have a family, and sometimes my loving family try to help clean up, which I love, however they don't always put stuff where it belongs. So back to the keys. I have been searching for my keys for days. I've totally torn my house, my garage, and both cars apart. I've looked in every nook and cranny. I did a grid search in my backyard. I called everyplace I've been in the last few days. Maybe someone somewhere turned them in. . . No luck. Every hour I ask my family "Where are my keys?!?! Have you seen my keys? Will you help me look for my keys?" Not a lot of help there. Scott says to me "Have you looked in your purse?" What kind of question is that? Of course I looked in my purse. I dumped it out twice! Then I was hit with inspiration. (actually I was thinking of the show modern family when Gloria couldn't find her keys. Her husband gives her a hard time about not putting things where they belong. Turns out they were in his coat pocket the whole time, and he didn't realize it.) So guess where I found my keys. In his coat pocket! I was mad and happy all at the same time.

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