
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beach day with Amy

My sister Amy came to visit for a week and we were so happy to have family come. Sometimes we feel so isolated we just crave the visits. She has two fun boys and the sweetest little girl Lizzy who was always so happy and patient.

We had a nice day coming up so we thought we would hit the beach. We couldn't have picked a more perfect day at the beach. The weather was perfect and warm, not too hot, not to cold, there was no wind, and it was not crowded. Absolutley Perfect. It was so good to get away and forget all my worries and stress and just enjoy God's wonderful creations.
Amy and I enjoyed the serenity while our children chased the waves and rolled in the sand. I love to watch them explore and experience things. It like I'm experiencing them all over again.
The kids had a great time. The older ones went sand jumping, sand crab hunting and sledding. The Southern California version of sledding. (check out the video to see what I mean.) Unfortuately I forgot the sunblock and pore Sam the fair skinned beauty got fried. The rest just got a healthy glow but Sam was bright red. So sorry Amy. I hope it wasn't too painful for him.

The beach is one thing I will miss when we move to Utah. I guess I will just have to go to the lakes more often.

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