
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Peter 2nd birthday

Peter just turned two, and what a fun kid he has been so far. I remember when I found out we were going to have another one I wasn't sure I could handle it. (Brennen took a lot out of me.) I remember thinking that I knew Heavenly Father knew what was best for our family so let it be. His pregnancy was one of the hardest maybe that was because I was older and I already had 3 kids to take care of. I wasn't sure how well this was going to work out. I can officially say that Peter was a GOOD SURPRISE. He is such a sweet heart. He really cares about everyone. He is our most selfless kid. He wants everyone to be happy. One look with his sparkling eyes and sweet dimples will melt your heart and soar your spirits. He is such a good talker. He wants to know everything. I think he gets that from his dad and sister. He is always asking question after question. His favorite question to ask is "whatcha doin'?" He does not like to be left out even if its as mundane as taking out the trash. He does the silliest things like climbing in the dryer. He was having so much fun I couldn't get him out to put the wet clothes in. So in honor of him turning 24 months, here are 24 things we love about Peter 1. He doesn't cry when we wakes up he just says "mommy I wake up!" 2. His dimples. 3. He's generous with hugs. He gives the sweetest ones that wrap around your neck. 4. He says "sorry" if your upset 5.He repeats everything you say immediately after you say it. 6. He is so snugly 7. He loves his daddy 8. He sings 9. His dance moves at any music he hears. Even if its in a commercial 10. He thinks babies are sweet and cute 11. He's extremely helpful 12.He'll stand still for a picture 13. He loves his brothers 14. He is a GREAT sleeper 15. He's easy going 16. Friendly to all 17. He's easy to please (he just needs a woobie and fingers) 18. He knows how to take turns 19. He's very loyal 20. He plays well with toys 21. He is good at sharing 22. His Dimples yes I know I already said that but it needs to be said twice 23.He loves to have his hair done. (He's my only one) 24. He is just so cute

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