
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Joe's crab shack

After playing with the kids Scott asked if I wanted to go out to dinner.  I have been trying to be better at not giving into the guilt of leaving my children and spending guilt free time with my sweet hubby.  He is always asking if I want to go . ..  Often I only think about not wanting to spend the money or feeling like the kids would be left out.  I am now taking in the counsel our leaders have given us of making it a priority to go out with our spouses.  It has done wonders for us. Anyway back to the story he has wanted seafood for a long time.  I am not a huge fan of seafood so I usually suggest something else. This time I just let him have his say and we drove to Joe's Crab Shack.  It was so cute to see him "giddy as a school boy" He was so happy and antsy to get his fish I actually said he was as giddy as a school boy.  We had a great time eating and laughing and joking, talking and eating.  There was a small family there from Boston complete with the accent enjoying every minute of their dinner we just had to laugh. Scott ordered a steam pot with crab, mussels, clams and more crab.  I did try it and it was delicious.  I ordered the fish and chips which were exceptional.  I begged him to put the bib on.  He did it just long enough for me to take a picture then threw it in the trash bucket.  Thanks sweetie, your a good trooper.  Maybe I wont turn down seafood next time.

slip and slide

 For our ward summer social they had a BBQ and a massive slip and slide. It was pretty funny to watch the kids go down.  Some were very hesitant and just barley crept down, others took it at a full run then landed with a thud and a smile.
I remember when I was younger we would make these kind of slip and slides all the time.  It works best if you add a little dish soap.  Sometimes we would dig a whole in the ground at the bottom to create a pool of water to land in those ones were the funnest.All you need is a large sheet of plastic sheeting.
Other times we would go grass sliding during a summer rain storm. In our front yard we had an acre of grass leaving plenty of room for grass sliding.  When we got too cold we would connect a hose with a sprinkler to a hot water the tap in the garage then hang it over the basketball hoop.  That way we would warm up a little before we headed out for more slide time.

not quite

Kids have a funny way of saying phrases they hear.  It seems to me they never quite get it right.  It's no secret my boys love Transformers.  So we hear the theme song often however in Peter's version it goes like this. . . "Transformers, eats the eyesss,   Autobots suck your guts."  I didn't realize they were so cannibalistic.  For those who don't know the real words are "Transformers, robots in disguise,  Autobots, Decepticons. . ."
Then today I heard Brennen singing a ninja song that I'm pretty sure is not quite right.  He was singing "I'm a ninja, I'm a nananananananananananinja, I'm a ninja, I'm a harry ninja."  The real words are, "I'm a ninja, I'm a na-ninja, I'm a holy ninja."
Then at the dinner table we had Peter sing us some songs he learned in nursery.  He started off okay with "I'm so glad when daddy comes home."  Then it got a little interesting.. "I slap his knee and climb his face and give him a great big kiss."  (actually that is probably pretty accurate for him)  Then he did another mash up of all the songs he knows.  It went something like this. . "The eensy weensy spider climbed up the apricot tree, down came the rain and the wise man built his house."  We couldn't contain our laughter.

Monday, August 20, 2012

growing up

Today my little boy announced he was no longer a baby.  We all know how Peter loves his Woobie.  He needs it to sleep, when he is sad, or hurt.  Today Brennen was playing way too rough (no surprise there) and "accidentally" kicked Peter in the face.  Peter came to me crying, I picked him up and gave him loves.  Then scolded Brennen and told him to go get his brothers Woobie.  To my astonishment Peter cried out "I don't need my Woobie. I'm a big boy NOT a baby!"  I thought he was just delirious from the face hit.  So we got the Woobie and gave it to the still crying Peter for comfort.  He wanted nothing to do with it.  He threw it exclaiming that he doesn't need it he's a big boy.

Part of me is so proud of him to break himself of this crutch.  The other part of me was dying inside.  My sweet baby is growing up, when did this happen?  He's supposed to be my tiny Peter Pie that lets me baby him all I want. I have to admit I am a little sad to end this chapter of my life.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Williams first recital

William recently took up the guitar.  I had a heck of a time trying to find a teacher for him that wasn't too far away.  We finally found this lady in my mom's ward that is a music teacher.  The lessons are a little expensive for me so I told him he had better practice, practice, practice, or he will have to pay me back for the lessons. He just had his first recital.  After only 4 lessons his song was Mary had a Little Lamb.  He did a pretty good job.  However he was sad that Scott couldn't come see him.  I told him he would for sure come next time and that I would record it so he wouldn't miss anything.  Well William wanted me to record the entire recital so  "Dad could see exactly what it was like." I told him it was not necessary and I would record the really good ones for him.

Half way through the program the little boys had to go potty.  I sent William to take them.  When he came back without Peter my radar went off. "Where's Peter?" I asked.  William said "He's still pooping in the bathroom and I can't stay in there any longer it smells so awful!"  (William is our super sniff.  He has such a sensitive nose.)  I went to investigate.  I heard him before I found him.  He was crying in the men's bathroom.  He couldn't open the door because it was too heavy and he had his pants down.  Then I saw the real problem.  Poop all over the bathroom.  Apparently he was having trouble wiping and he was so upset because it was green and he was supposed to have brown poop.  I stifled a laugh at that comment.  As I cleaned up him and the bathroom he kept asking "why is is green mom?  I am supposed to have brown."  After all was reassured and cleaned we headed back to the recital.  Luckily the student had been playing stairway to heaven so I didn't miss much.

End of Summer

This summer has been a great one.  We have done a lot of fun stuff and I just didn't want it to end.  I was feeling sad that our time of carefree days were over until. . . my kids decided to help push me in the "send them to school" mode.  They all of the sudden started getting on my nerves more than usual.  Maybe its because there is so much to do before school starts or maybe they are feeding off of my stress at having to be scheduled again  Whatever it is I am starting to see that it can be a good thing that kids go back to school.
In any case I wanted their last days of summer to be fun.  The first thing I did was have a End of Summer sleepover.  I invited all the cousins but only 1 family was able to make it.  that was really okay with me it just meant less work.  I ordered pizza and got a red box.  When it got dark we had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows for smores. I even let the boys pee on the fire when we were done.  It was their favorite part of the whole fire.  When the kids were full of sugar we started the night games.  Ghost in the graveyard is always the favorite. I reveled in the perfect night air at the sound of children laughing and squealing as they run in the dark.  I remember such nights as a kids and I loved them, I hope to bring the love of times like this to my own children.  When we were all smoked out from the fire and the sugar had worn off from the running around we headed back inside to work on the blanket fort.
Now this blanket fort has been in progress for days.  I have let my kids destroy create in my basement for the last week.  I haven't touched it.  they have built and rebuilt this massive blanket fort, rearranging the floor plan using all the linens and cushions in the house.  The neighbor kids even brought over some of their blankets to add to this massive structure. I took a picture of its final day after there was a battle.
After letting them stay up for as long as they wanted I let them sleep in until they couldn't possibly sleep any more (Ellie stayed asleep until 3pm!!) For those who weren't as deep of sleepers I had German Pancakes for breakfast, then I just let them run a muck doing whatever they pleased (within reason) When all the kids were picked up we headed off to Trafalga for one last hurrah.  The ticket gods saw favor in us and bestowed thousands of tickets upon us.  Peter played his first game and won 1000 tickets.  It seemed as every game played, each kid won the maximum amount of tickets possible.  It was a day to be remembered that's for sure.
my favorite kind of marshmallow, seriously give it to me flaming
night games

night games

after the battle

the one remaining structure
So good bye summer its been a blast.  Thanks for all the heat (yes I said heat I love it), sun, swimming, sleeping, reading, and just plain fun.  I hope to see you very soon.  I don't think I can ever go back to the cold.
Peter and his ticket winnings

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


One of my favorite places to go is the library.  I loved going when I was little and I still love it.  Am I a nerd if I say I love the smell of books. Someday if I grow up I want a big library in my house with wall to wall bookshelves and a couple of comfy chairs with huge windows.  Is that too much to ask? (okay maybe it is) This summer has been wonderful, I have read a plethera of books. The wonderful thing about this library is that is has a little temple sticker on the bind of any books written by LDS authors. What makes this so wonderful is that I know the books are clean and I don't waste my time on something I am going to be disappointed in half way through.  This doesn't always mean that they are churchy books.  So I have just gone up and down the isles looking for the stickers and putting them in my bag. Some are great some are fluff and some are just okay but I am never unhappy with any of them. I also love the first hour after coming home from the library.  The house is quiet books are strewn all over but my children are reading and excited about it, so forget the mess for now we are reading, and to me that is so much more important.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Joseph and the technicolor dream coat

Ellie has had a productive summer.  This year she decided to try a real play.  She got the lead in the children's choir surprise surprise.  Every night she has been at practice or the actual play.  She has loved it.  I am happy she found something just for her.  I am sure she will be so sad when its all over.  I on the other hand will be happy to have my baby sitter back. 
She was involved in Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat for the city of American Fork.  It was done in this beautiful outdoor amphitheater. Opening night turned out to be a success.  I have a few favorite parts. The first is after the brothers have sold Joseph and they are singing about one more angel in heaven, one less plate at the table. When they give the news to their dad its all somber, however as soon as the dad leaves the stage it turns into an all out hoedown.  Super funny.  I loved how Potifer came out in a golf cart cause he's the man.  Then there was an Elvis Pharaoh and they made Joseph  wear a jumpsuit too.  And my very favorite part is at the end they are singing about Joseph riding his gold chariot and he comes out on a little gold razor scooter with streamers,  I really laughed at that one.

more summer fun

As summer winds down I am starting the panic mode.  Did we do all the fun stuff we said we were going to do on our bucket list?  Are we ready for school to start?  Have we had enough summer?  The answers to those questions are yes, no and no.  Usually this time of year I am more than ready for my kids to start back up at school but this year is different.  I have had a really fun summer and I don't want it to end.  I have been loving the stay up late, sleep in late, feed kids when we get around to it.  If we decided we want to get ice cream or go swimming or DI we just go.  No real schedule just wingin' it. I think that the real problem is I don't want to HAVE to be responsible.
On that note I am squeezing in all the fun stuff that I wanted to do just one more time.  One of those was seven peaks water park. My sister Laura is moving to New York so we did a day to hand out with her.  Anything that has to do with water I am there.  Water parks are no exception. So we swam and played with Grandma, Laura and my sister Amy's family.  Poor Scott had to work this time.  We will all be happy when he gets to go down to 4 days a week.  (I know we have it so hard right.)  
The little boys body surfed in the wave pool.  We would go near the more shallow part and when the wave was just right I would grab their life jackets and glide/throw them across the water towards the shore.  they loved it and said it felt like they were flying.

Then we tried the racing slides.  Poor Peter went down with me who was more concerned about filming than preventing him from getting drowned. And yes Ellie and William were there but they go off and do their own thing so I never can quite get a picture of them.
Peter was so nervous about going down this tiny slide.  I have no idea why.  What  you see is literally all there is to the slide.

Friday, August 3, 2012

doughnut falls

my sister had to map out a hike for her Young Women.  She invited us to go check out doughnut falls up big cottonwood canyon.  I've never been so of course I agreed.  I am always up for a little adventure. Scott surprised me by coming too.  We pack a picnic lunch and drove up the canyon.  I love driving up any canyon.  When I was little we used to hop in the back of the truck and take a drive.  It is so pretty anytime of year. We found the spot and tired to park.  The place was quite crowded so we found a spot unfortunately it turned out to be a no parking zone. That we didn't realize until we had eaten our lunch and saw a cop trying to write us a ticket.  My sister Steph quickly stepped up and discouraged him from giving us the tickets if we moved the cars immediately.  Thank goodness we ate lunch first.  Once we found a more acceptable parking space we headed off on our hike.  It was a nice easy hike with a big reward at the end.
Doughnut falls is a water fall that pours through the rock.  All the water created a little grotto under the  rock so it was pretty neat.  We spent a lot of time climbing all over the rocks and splashing in the water.  Even climbing into the grotto. However when we got to the top all the little ones asked where all the doughnuts were.  Sorry to disappoint kids there are no edible doughnuts here.

 There was a fallen tree there that had become smooth and soft from all the water that ran over it.  Brennen noticed this and said "Hey mom this tree is so soft."  recognising a teaching moment I asked "Do you know why its so soft?" To which he immediately replied "yeh because of all the falling doughnuts."


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