
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wright family reunion

This year I hosted the annual Wright Christmas party.  My dad has a huge family.  There are 15 children and that does not include any multiple births and it is not a blended family.  My dad is one of the youngest at Lucky # 13 hence his name.  So every year they try to get together and catch up.  Not only is it the 15 kids (or whats left of the 15) but their children and grand children as well.  This is huge because I have over 150 cousins.  This is NOT an exaggeration, needless to say my house was PACKED with people. They filled every single room in the house finding somewhere to sit and chat.  It is always crazy and I promised Scott that if he helped he and the brothers-in-law can go to the movies after putting in an hour at the party. I have a couple of aunts that are into photo journaling, they always bring pictures for us to see and to get info about them.  There were 2 pictures of my dad and I could swear they were Brennen.  I literally put the pic of my dad and the pic of Brennen side by side and you couldn't tell which was which. 

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