
Monday, December 12, 2011


It doesn't matter how many times I arrange this nativity every time I turn around it looks like this.  It seems that my children think that everyone wants to see the baby Jesus so they get as close as they can.  The more I think about it the more I think they're right.  Who wouldn't want to catch a glimpse of baby Jesus.  I would totally crowd around the sweet little babe.
My kids included.  There is just something about babies.  Yesterday in church there was a daddy holding his brand new baby in the pew behind us.  My boys just wanted to stare at that baby the whole meeting. They couldn't get enough.  They kept reaching out to touch the sleeping babe. When I looked over and smiled at them Brennen whispered in my ear that he wants to be a daddy like that when he grows up and hold his own baby.
My heart just melted.  I whispered back that he would be a great daddy.  What a sweet parenting moment.  I'm grateful that my boys understand the importance and blessing of being a Daddy.

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