
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

William is getting Baptized

William has officially turned eight and now he gets to do all kinds of cool stuff, like getting Baptized!!!  He is quite excited.  I took him out to get some pictures for his baptism invitations. He is so ready for his big day I had no problem getting a fun picture.  He asked if he could get baptized tomorrow because that would get him on the NICE list for sure. (He's a little worried Santa might have him on the naughty list.)  My other way to get him to cooperate was that I told him we could go get his scout stuff right after pictures if he did a good job.  He feels so grown up with all these new responibilities.
The other day we were out Christmas shopping.  I gave each kid a quarter so they could get a treat out of the gumball machine.  Peter quickly put his money in but was not happy with what came out.  I was not very happy with Peters whining all day so I was tuff and told him, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" (a rhyme I often say to my kids)  To which he started throwing a tantrum. I was just mad at him and wanted to strap him in the stroller and let him scream.  William the tender heart that he is gave up his candy to give to Peter. I told him that was not necessary.  William very mater-of-factly said, "Well Mom I turned eight, so that's the things I gotta do if I'm gonna get baptized."

I was so proud.

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