
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

sugar cookies

What to do with a bunch of kids on Christmas break with no snow to play in? Make sugar cookies of course. I find it best just to give the kids their own blob of dough and let them roll and cut it out themselves. They don’t always turn out the prettiest but the kids are proud of them and the cookies are going to be eaten anyway. They really had a great time deciding and creating their own shapes. Ellie our sculptor decided to make a baby Jesus in a manger. The boys stuck with the cutters we had on hand. Then it was time for frosting. Some took their time and make the cookies extra cute. Some, just slapped what ever color was closest on their cookie, and some (Peter) just shoveled the frosting in his mouth or piled it on his cookie and then licked it off over and over again. Either way the kids had a good time and I felt like I was doing my part in being a good mom and keeping the kids out of trouble.

The down side is having all those cookies in the house. More than half of the cookies were gone by the next day. Although no one fessed up as to who ate them all.  Between you and me I think it was a group effort

1 comment:

  1. You've been busy!! Read em all. Nice work. I'd like an apron...hint hint! good thing is you have six months to work on it :)

    Love the sugar cookies. They looked a whole lot better than ours did. (artist ellie probably did the most!) Great posts.



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