
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

easily pleased

After I dropped Brennen off at preschool I headed to my weekly run for DI.  Yes I go every week. Mostly looking for items for Christmas, today I had a few specifics in mind, namely new shoes for Brennen.  I don't know why but he keeps losing his shoes.  We are down to snow boots and crocs.  so I refuse to buy him new shoes until he can keep from losing them.
Its a little embarrassing that Peter knows the way to DI.  As we drive he watches out the window and asks "Mommy are we going to the DI?"  I never say anything until we get in the parking lot.  Today as we parked and I was getting him out of his car seat he says to me, "Are we going in there?" (Pointing to the DI.)
Yes buddy we are.
to which he replies with a huge grin "Yay!! YOU ARE THE BEST MOMMY EVER!!!" Then he gives me a huge kiss and hug.
He just made my day. Such a sweet boy. I love that he is so easily pleased.

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