
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


After the windows at Grand America we headed over the temple square to see the lights. It was cold and crowded but also beautiful. I was a little frustrated with my group. They kept complaining that it was cold, and lets just go home (this was the grown ups not the kids complaining). Finally I could hold my tongue no longer and scolded them to "quit your belly aching!!! We only get to do this once a year and you were ruining it for me, so suck it up and enjoy the pretty lights and nativities!!! What horrible pioneers you would make!" I know it was a little harsh but I didn't feel bad one bit. It needed to be said. After that it was a much more enjoyable experience. I love the luminaries lining the office square. There was even a bag piper in traditional garb trying to play through the cold. Brennen loved the whole experience although he was concerned that this one tree was on fire. (it was covered in red and orange lights) Not until we got up close were his concerns put to rest.
After the lights we went over to Denny's for dinner because kids ate free. It was horrible service and almost as horrible food but we fed 10 people for less than $40.

the tree on fire

I would definitely do this again but I will take different people with me.

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