
Monday, December 5, 2011

missing things

I was warned but I didn't think it would happen so soon.  I miss the Beach!!  The beach was one of those places where we just went, for fun, for relaxing, to keep the kids busy when they were driving me crazy.  The beach is just something that was always there waiting patiently for us to come visit.  When we did come visit it didn't scold us for waiting so long to come.  It didn't care what we looked like or that our house work wasn't done.  It was just there for us to fully enjoy. 
Scott was watching a "Histories Mystery" about a lost continent near Easter Island.  As I sat there watching with him I couldn't help but feel reminiscent as I watch the savages living off the fertile soil with the bountiful fish from the sea.
Maybe it because I am starting to feel the stress that comes with this time of year.  It still fine just a little busy.  I am trying to keep it all low key, but anyone that tells you there is no stress is lying. We would always go to the beach when I felt too overwhelmed.  Or maybe its because as I was coming out of church it was cold and snowing.  Just a light dusting of snow but the cold was there, and I couldn't help but think this time last year we were playing in the fountains in 85 degree weather.  Don't get me wrong. I am enjoying the different seasons. I was looking forward to the snow. I know what I was getting into when I moved here. . . .  I just miss the beach.

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